I am sure a lot of you are familiar with the story of Blessing CEO on Instagram who showed off someone else’s house as her own until the rightful owner came and prove her wrong.

A lot of people have had so many things to say about it and I want to look from it from another angle.

When she shared the message on her 30th birthday(according to her), she said her husband chased her out of their one bedroom apartment 8 years ago and today she has built a 7 Bedroom Duplex in replacement.

So for me, the key word is “chasing away” and what she has done in replacement.

In my opinion, she went to that length because SHE WANTED TO PROVE HER EX HUSBAND WRONG!!! This is what a lot of us are doing today.

Living to prove our parents, siblings, friends, exes, teachers, mentors and so many other people who have said terrible things about us wrong.

We want to show then that they were wrong by looking down on us and without their help we would become someone great in life.When you live to prove people wrong or show them, you will end up harming yourself on the long run.

When you live to show people or prove them wrong, you will stretch beyond your normal limit to do things. You will live on the edge, you will say YES to things that are dangerous for you just because you have a mission. You will never be happy because you will keep looking over your shoulder.

When people say stuff about you or even swear that you will never make it, thank them and proceed to live your own life without living for them.

This pure act is called AWAY FROM MOTIVATION in Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP). It simply means you have a wrong motivation for doing things or living your life.

When you find yourself doing this, it means you are not over those people no matter how long it has been.

It means that you have given them the power to control your life even when you have nothing to do with them again.

It means your life is not your own or directed by you as it should be.

When someone swears over your life or make proclamations that you know that are hurtful to you, what you need to do is HEAL from that pain from the experience.

Healing frees you from rehashing what they have done and hurting continually from it.

Healing helps you detach from that experience so that it no longer taunts You or hunt you.

Healing helps you get Closure from that event so that it no longer controls you or your behaviour.

Healing helps you forgive them and move on completely from them or their words.

Healing helps you understand that nobody has a right to predict your future because they didn’t create you.

Healing frees you from bitterness from the pain or experience.


LEARN TO HEAL...... with ❤❤


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